
Proposals - Australian National Centre

The following was written during the consultation period

before the National Centre was established.

  I attended the Sydney Consultation Meeting.



          composition of advisory groups

  • at least 50% survivors  - a mix of LGBTI and heterosexual survivors

                a male and female mix

                a mix of survivors of religous and secular institutions

                at least 10% survivors of  incest

                 a mix of survivors of sexual trauma at different age groups

                       when the abuse occurred  eg early childhood, 8-10 and teenage years.

                  one survivor of sexual abuse in adult years

  • no more than 25%  psychiatrists and psychologists
  • at least 10%  trauma release therapists
  • at least 10%  Social workers with Masters Degrees
  • at least one Sociologist
  • at least one non abusive, trauma informed member of the Clergy.