
Proposals - Australian National Centre

The following was written during the consultation period

before the National Centre was established.

  I attended the Sydney Consultation Meeting.



    Advisory Groups

It is submitted that the Centre should have Advisory Groups

   with limited resources members may need to be volunteers.

      or paid expenses only.


Advisory groups would offer advice  and work through complex issues such as:

  • Mandatory reporting - including clergy
  • preventative strategies
  • the processes for survivors from disclosure to reporting to post reporting support
  • the survivor options - managing traumatic memories , trauma release,  paths to recovery.
  • developing support for spouces or partners, or parents of minors etc
  • the role of sexual assault units in Hospitals or Community Health Centres.
  • building partnerships and colaboration between clergy and psychologists
  • Data colection advisory group - survivor disclosures.  identifying variables

               tracking survivors who wish to provide ongoing accounts of post disclosure experiences.


building support

Teams to build support for:

  • Mandatory reporters - advice and support if victimised or marginalised.
  • the diversity of survivors - beyond prevailing schools of thought

               recognising and proividing suport for conflicting needs

                   without discreditation or dismissiveness.

               facilitation of mutual respect and accomodation.

  • spouces or partners of  adult survivors, parents,  siblings, friends, collegues.
  • the minimisation and motitoring of abondonment of survivors.
  • community awareness and understanding of the previlance of sexual abuse
  • facilitation of improved responses of institutions.
  • survivors of clergy abuse
  • survivors who find comfort and support and resiliance in their religion.
  • LGBTI survivors
  • heterosexual survivors
  • male survivors
  • female survivors
  • enhancing the role of sexual assault units
  • the sociology of power structures

                 and protection for vulnerable members of heirachial institutions

  • the sociology within shared power institutions

              eg  Protestant Churches without Bishops where power is shared

                      between clergy and Elders or Deacons

                  or where the congregation makes joint decisions.

                  in particular the accumulation of power by long term members.

  •  identifying variables from survivor disclosures  -   Call Centres, on line reporting etc
  • identifying dimensions   - multi dimensions    and scales  

     weather intersections are symptamic or variable

  • other support groups as identified.
  • support for survivors beyond the initial stages 

                   the need to write and publish  research findings in everyday language

                   most support groups have topics and issues on their website without providing references

                          the centre could  produce articles with references

                  identifying more advanced stages survivors may experience.

                  the management of intrusive traumatised memories


  •                  acknowledgement of body memories

                          building support for survivors with body memories

                                 eg  trauma release from the body



                                           Babette Rothschild "The Body remembers" 


                                         ( Peter Levine)